On my own in Shanghai

I took taxi to the metro station and then to TaiKangLu. Véronique had recommended it to me. Really a neat place! Lots of little tiny artsy-type places. I wandered around a lot and just checked things out. Lunch in a yuppie place: awful soup but good duck confit. I dunno what confit means, it was just roasted and kind of dry. Then I went to the high-end shopping area that YingYing and I went to yesterday. (I wanted a Sbux chai even though it would be made with a tea bag.) Well, this Sbux didn’t even have a chai tea on the menu. I went to the Coffee Bean cuz they offer a chai latte but it was awful. Oh well. Came back and to get a much-needed foot massage. I went to a nice restaurant with Tom and YingYing, and had duck again!! It was a fantastic meal. We had such a great conversation. Lovely way to end a good visit!