Shimabara, Japan

Shimabara, Japan

Went to a shop that Martha’s friend owns. She seems to know everybody in the town and they all love her, giving her hugs and effusive friendly greetings I bought tabbi socks and a toy for Nik.

Then we went to a clinic and got electrical stimulation, compression boots on legs, water bed massage and then deep massage therapy! Only cost $6. Amazing. I felt so much better afterwards.

We had lunch at Martha’s; her mom thinly sliced cabbage and carrots, put kiwi slices on top. Martha made dressing from oil and the juice from her umeboshi plums!

We had classes at her school and it was fun to teach them. I told the story of the bear coming into our house while Michael was sleeping last Sat night! We went home in a big rain storm because a typhoon is on the other side of the island… out to sea but still.

We had abalone and conch for dinner. Taoko and Taioko dressed me in a kimono tonight! My gosh it takes a long time to do it. Everything is sooo meticulous. So that meant a late night for all of us again!


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