Beginning the school year
3R’s Handout This is the handout I gave to my students at the beginning of every school year. I discussed the contents with them in order to establish my expectations for the year.
Student nicknames
French Nicknames Allowing students to select a name in French is great way to add whimsy to the class. Not only that, but the students immediately learn all of the silly names that their classmates select!
3 TPR Lessons NEW
3 TPR Lesson I sent these TPR lessons to our son Chris when he was teaching English in China. The “dictionary” that I refer to in these lessons is the “Student Dictionary Form.”
TPR homework idea
Student Dictionary Form Distribute these forms to students during the TPR phase of level one. After each TPR lesson, have students write the focus words on their dictionary page and illustrate the word. It makes for an easy homework assignment (either they did it or they didn’t) and it encourages them to find a way to show meaning and avoid using English.
Participation form
Participation Form If you would like to have your students assess their own performance in class, this form may be helpful. Alter it to suit your needs. It was contributed by Donna Tatum-Johns.
Recommended reading lists for Foreign Language classes
French Reading Least Spanish Reading List German Reading List
Lesson Plans to accompany, “Look, I Can Talk!”
(Level 1, by Blaine Ray)
Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4
Lesson Plans to accompany, “Look, I Can Talk More!”
(Level 2, by Blaine Ray)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
These two rubrics were written by Susan Gross to assess student production.
Feel free to adapt them to meet your needs.
Writing Assessment Rubric Oral Assessment Rubric
This rubric adapts the AP composition rubric to levels 1 – 4 high school language classes.
It was developed by Joe Neilson of Salpointe High School in Tuscon,AZ.
Carmen Sánchez of Silverado High School in Las Vegas, NV, wrote this
Spanish Language SyllabusThis has been approved.
AP French Class Audit
It was submitted by Lynnette S. Lang
This is the description of the 3 steps of TPRS.
Print it out and put it on your desk or on the wall in your classroom for easy reference.
The 3 Steps of TPR Storytelling
Curriculum map for French II submitted by Donna Tatum-Johns
Curriculum Map For French II
This is a sample of a Chapter test for French II by Donna Tatum-Johns.
Chapter Test For French II
TPR is a powerful tool for teaching students basic vocabulary.
It can also be applied to other content. Here is an example of combining tpr with French geography.
Homework ideas
Carla Selters offered this collection of homework ideas at the 2004 National TPRS Conference. Feel free to adapt her ideas to your own needs.